Here is a list of K-dramas currently streaming on Netflix (updated June 2017). It's pretty great considering that when I first started watching Kdramas on Netflix years ago, they only had three. We've noticed that this is a popular search term, and people have asked us for this list. Netflix rotates their selection of Korean dramas, so we'll try to update this every once in a while. I tried to categorize them as best as possible, but some of them fall under multiple genres. I put symbols next to the ones we've watched to show how we feel about them. You can find out more about them, and other K-dramas we recommend that aren't on Netflix but are on DramaFever or Viki in our post Best Korean Drama Recommendations. There are also links to the ones we've reviewed here on our blog. Have fun watching your favorite K-dramas without commercials!

+ Just Ok
- Didn't Like
# Quit Watching
% Web Series (very short, fluffy episodes)
After School; Lucky or Not%+
Age of Youth (under title Hello, My Twenties)*
Be Arrogant%
Birdie Buddy
Boys Over Flowers *
Can We Get Married
Click Your Heart%+
The Cravings%
Descendants of the Sun#
Detective Alice%
Dream Knight%+
Falling for Innocence (under the title Beating Again)
Full House, Take 2
Kpop: Extreme Survival
In Need of Romance
In Need of Romance 2
In Need of Romance 3+
It's Okay, That's Love*
Jumping Girl
Love Cells%
Love for Ten: Generation of Youth%
Noble, My Love%+
Madame Antoine-#
Magic Phone%
The Miracle%
My Little Baby
My Only Love Song+#%
My Runway
Never Die%
One More Time
Panda and Hedgehog
Playful Kiss --
Ready for Start%
Reply 1997*
Reply 1994*
Sound of Your Love%
Tamra, the Island
To Be Continued%#
Tomorrow's Cantabile
What in the World Happened?
28 Moons
A Man Called God
Beloved Eun Dong (under the title This Is My Love)
Cain and Abel
Color of Woman
Goodbye Mr. Black
Goodbye My Wife
Happy And
Heaven's Garden
Her Legend (under title Love in Her Bag)
Immortal Classic
Love Rain
Lucid Dream
Misaeng, Incomplete Life
Night Light (under the title White Nights)
Nightmare High%
Operation Proposal
Outstanding Woman
Saving Mrs. Go Bong Shil (under title Go! Mrs. Go)
Secret Love Affair
Tong: Memories%
Under the Black Moonlight
Wild Chives and Soybean Soup (under title 12 Years Promise)
Bad Guys*
Man to Man

* Really Liked+ Just Ok
- Didn't Like
# Quit Watching
% Web Series (very short, fluffy episodes)
Romantic Comedies
9 Seconds Eternal Time%After School; Lucky or Not%+
Age of Youth (under title Hello, My Twenties)*
Be Arrogant%
Birdie Buddy
Boys Over Flowers *
Can We Get Married
Click Your Heart%+
The Cravings%
Descendants of the Sun#
Detective Alice%
Dream Knight%+
Falling for Innocence (under the title Beating Again)
Full House, Take 2
Kpop: Extreme Survival
In Need of Romance
In Need of Romance 2
In Need of Romance 3+
It's Okay, That's Love*
Jumping Girl
Love Cells%
Love for Ten: Generation of Youth%
Noble, My Love%+
Madame Antoine-#
Magic Phone%
The Miracle%
My Little Baby
My Only Love Song+#%
My Runway
Never Die%
One More Time
Panda and Hedgehog
Playful Kiss --
Ready for Start%
Reply 1997*
Reply 1994*
Sound of Your Love%
Tamra, the Island
To Be Continued%#
Tomorrow's Cantabile
What in the World Happened?
28 Moons
A Man Called God
Beloved Eun Dong (under the title This Is My Love)
Cain and Abel
Color of Woman
Goodbye Mr. Black
Goodbye My Wife
Happy And
Heaven's Garden
Her Legend (under title Love in Her Bag)
Immortal Classic
Love Rain
Lucid Dream
Misaeng, Incomplete Life
Night Light (under the title White Nights)
Nightmare High%
Operation Proposal
Outstanding Woman
Saving Mrs. Go Bong Shil (under title Go! Mrs. Go)
Secret Love Affair
Tong: Memories%
Under the Black Moonlight
Wild Chives and Soybean Soup (under title 12 Years Promise)
Action/Crime Drama
Aftermath%Bad Guys*
Man to Man
Note: Netflix swaps out its Korean dramas pretty regularly, so if you see any new ones that have been added and aren't on the list, let us know! Also comment below on which of these you recommend.
After a recent layout switch, we're seeing comments posted before April 7, 2017 missing on a few posts. We're working on a solution, and in the meantime, any new comments you leave will work!
After a recent layout switch, we're seeing comments posted before April 7, 2017 missing on a few posts. We're working on a solution, and in the meantime, any new comments you leave will work!
