Guess who's going to KCON this week?

The obvious answer is a lot of people, but that's not what we're going for here. The more precise answer (and the one that should be obvious if you read the post title) is that WE ARE GOING TO KCON!
That's right. I'm so excited about about it that I resorted to shouty capslock writing to tell you about it. Last year, KCON was a blast, but this year, it's going to be even better because they have amped up the K-drama side of things quite a bit.
As part of that general amping up of K-drama activities, Coco and I will be panelists this year, which is pretty exciting! Should you happen to be going to KCON and want to stop by and say hi (or heckle us, or whatever), here are our panels:
1.Women in K-dramas:
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Chunkeemonkeeato made this awesome poster for our panel. Isn't it great? |
Description: The one thing that probably makes K-Drama stand out from all other TV genres are its portrayal of women characters. Top K-Drama bloggers and vloggers discuss the many faces of women in K-Drama. (That's from KCON's website. If I wrote that about my own panel, it would be weird.)
Time: Saturday, August 9 at 11:30 a.m. in Panel Tent 2
2. Second Leads and Love Triangles
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I don't have a poster for this one, but I DO have a sad Ji Hoo crying in the rain. Does that make up for it? |
Description: Bond with your fellow K-Drama fans over the most heartbreaking second lead relationships. Just what is it that makes us suffer from acute second lead syndrome? Why does it seem like the “good guy” never wins? Let’s tackle the K-Drama second lead types and share our favorites in this must-see panel!
Time: Sunday, August 10 at 11:00 a.m. in Panel Tent 2
Participants: The Crazy Ahjummas, Zombie Momma, and us
I've heard that a lot of bloggers will be heading to KCON this year. We should all chat and be nerdy about K-dramas together! Or just wave to each other on our way to the port-a-potties or something.